fusion athletic club gym

Fusion Athletic Club

140 Eagle Spirit Dr.
Lindale, TX 75771
(903) 218-3122


Fusion Athletic Club Agreement Terms

Fusion Athletic Club Agreement Notes

Checkout - Step 1
By checking this box, you are agreeing to provide your mobile phone number and email address to receive calls, text messages, and/or email alerts from Fusion Athletic Club containing information about our products, events, or promotions. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Checkout - Step 2
Checkout - Step 3
Bank Info
Please enter your banking information for your recurring dues:
I have read and agree to Fusion Athletic Club's terms & conditions for this membership agreement.
I have read and agree to the notes for this membership agreement.
I have read and agree to the payment processor's privacy policy and the payment terms & conditions.


140 Eagle Spirit Dr.
Lindale, TX 75771

Plan: FUSION BASE 12mo.

Due Now

$59.53      [+] Details

Recurring Payments

$27.05 Bi-Weekly      [+] Details

Upcoming Fees

$32.46      [+] Details